Alexandra Kondyli

- Thomas E. Mulinazzi Chair’s Council Associate Professor
- Ph.D.
Contact Info
Personal Links
Biography —
Dr. Alexandra Kondyli is an Associate Professor of Transportation Engineering in Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering at the University of Kansas. Dr. Kondyli’s research interests include traffic operations and management, highway capacity, ITS, microsimulation, driver behavior, and traffic flow theory. Prior to her appointment at the University of Kansas, Dr. Kondyli was a postdoctoral associate at the University of Florida Transportation Research Center. Dr. Kondyli has worked on research projects funded by Kansas DOT, Florida DOT, FHWA, USDOT, and by the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP). She has authored and co-authored more than fifty publications, presentations and reports related to traffic operations, simulation, highway capacity, safety, and driver behavior. Dr. Kondyli is currently a member of the Highway Capacity and Quality of Service Committee (AHB40) of the Transportation Research Board, and the Chair of its Freeways/Multilane Highways Subcommittee. She also has consulting experience in the fields of traffic operations, geometric design and roadway safety. Dr. Kondyli received her Graduate Diploma in Rural and Surveying Engineering from National Technical University of Athens, Greece, in June 2003. She received her M.S. degree in 2005 and her Ph.D. degree in 2009 in Civil Engineering from University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
Research —
Transportation Engineering
Traffic Flow
Highway Capacity
Driver Behavior
Teaching —
First Year as Faculty at KU: 2014
Teaching Interests
- Transportation engineering
- Traffic flow
- Highway capacity
- Driver behavior
- Microsimulation
Research Interests
- Transportation engineering
- Traffic flow
- Highway capacity
- Driver behavior
- Microsimulation
Selected Publications —
Asgharzadeh, M.*, A. Kondyli, “Comparison of Highway Capacity Estimation Methods” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Accepted for publication, 2018.
Kondyli, A., B. St. George, L. Elefteriadou, G. Bonyani, “Defining, Measuring, and Modeling Capacity for the Highway Capacity Manual” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, Vol 143(3), March 2017. (10.1061/JTEPBS.0000017)
Kondyli, A., A. Barmpoutis, V. P. Sisiopiku, L. Zhang, L. Zhao, M. M. Islam, S. S. Patil*, S. Rostami Hosuri, “A 3D Body Posture Analysis Framework During Merging And Lane Changing Maneuvers” Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, pp. 1-18, February 2017. (10.1080/19439962.2017.1294226)
Zhang, Y., D.J. Sun, A. Kondyli, “An Empirical Framework for Intersection Optimization Based on Uniform Design” Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol. 2017, Article ID 7396250, 10 pages, 2017. (10.1155/2017/7396250)
Sajjadi, S., A. Kondyli, “Macroscopic and Microscopic Analysis of Managed Lanes on Freeway Facilities in South Florida” Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), Vol 4(1), pp. 61-70, January 2017. (10.1016/j.jtte.2016.12.002)
Kondyli, A., B. St. George, L. Elefteriadou, “Comparison of Travel Time Measurement Methods Along Freeway and Arterial Facilities” Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research, October 2016 (10.1080/19427867.2016.1245259)
Hale, D., J. Ma, A. Kondyli, J. Hu, Z. Huang, P. Su, “Right-Turn-On-Red Flow Profile Impacts on Urban Street Capacity Analysis” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board Vol. 2553, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, DC, 2016 (10.3141/2553-04)
Kondyli, A., V. Sisiopiku, A. Barmpoutis, “Computer Assisted Analysis of Drivers' Body Activity Using a Range Camera” IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 7(3), pp. 18-28, July 2015. (10.1109/MITS.2015.2439179)
Hill, C., L. Elefteriadou, A. Kondyli, “Exploratory Analysis of Lane Changing Behavior on Freeways based on Driver Behavior” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 141(4), 2015. (10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000758)
Li, Z., L. Elefteriadou, A. Kondyli. “Quantifying Weather Impacts on Traffic Operations for Implementation into a Travel Time Reliability Model” Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research, December 2014. (10.1179/1942787514Y.0000000050)
Modi V., A. Kondyli, S. S. Washburn, D. S. McLeod. “A Freeway Capacity Estimation Method for Planning Applications” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 140(9), 2014. (10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000699)Soria, I., L. Elefteriadou, A. Kondyli, “Assessment of Car‐Following Models by Driver Type and under Different Traffic, Weather Conditions using Data from an Instrumented Vehicle” Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory (40), Elsevier, pp. 208-220, 2014. (10.1016/j.simpat.2013.10.002)
Elefteriadou L., A. Kondyli, W. Brilon, F. Hall, B. Persaud, S. Washburn, “Enhancing Ramp Metering Algorithms with the Use of Probability of Breakdown Models” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 140(4), 2014. (10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000653)
Kondyli A., L. Elefteriadou, W. Brilon, F. Hall, B. Persaud, S. Washburn, “Development and Evaluation of Methods for Constructing Breakdown Probability Models” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 139(9), pp. 931-940, 2013. (10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000574)
Yannis G., A. Kondyli, X. Georgopoulou, “Investigation of the Impact of Low Cost Engineering Measures on Road Safety in Urban Areas” The International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, May 2013. (10.1080/17457300.2013.796387)
Yannis G., A. Kondyli and N. Mitzalis, “Effect of Road Lighting Conditions on the Frequency and Severity of Road Accidents” Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Transport, Vol 166(5), pp. 271-281, March 2013. (10.1680/tran.11.00047)
Antoniou C., A. Kondyli, G. Lykogianni, E. Gyftodimos, “Exploratory Assessment of the Limiting Extended Kalman Gain Matrix Properties” Journal of Transportation and Communication, Vol 14(1), pp. 1-12, March 2013. (10.2478/ttj-2013-0001)
Kondyli A., and L. Elefteriadou, “Driver Behavior At Freeway-Ramp Merging Areas Based On Instrumented Vehicle Observations” Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research Vol 4(3), pp. 129-141, July 2012. (10.3328/TL.2012.04.03.129-141)
Kondyli A., I. Soria, A. Duret, and L. Elefteriadou, “Sensitivity Analysis of CORSIM with Respect to the Process of Freeway Flow Breakdown” Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory (22), Elsevier, pp. 197-206, 2012. (10.1016/j.simpat.2011.12.008)
Kondyli, A., and L. Elefteriadou. “Modeling Driver Behavior at Freeway-Ramp Merges” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board Vol. 2249, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, DC, pp. 29-37, 2011. (10.3141/2249-05)
Sun, D.J., and A. Kondyli. “Modeling Vehicle Interactions During Lane Changing Behavior on Arterial Streets” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol 25(8), pp. 557-571, November 2010. (10.1111/j.1467-8667.2010.00679.x)
Kondyli, A., and L. Elefteriadou. “Driver Behavior at Freeway-Ramp Merging Areas: Focus Group Findings” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board Vol. 2124, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, DC, pp. 157 - 166, 2009. (10.3141/2124-15)
Heaslip, K., A. Kondyli, D. Arguea, L. Elefteriadou, and F. Sullivan. “Estimation of Freeway Work Zone Capacity Using Simulation and Field Data” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board Vol. 2130, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, DC, pp. 16 - 24, 2009. (10.3141/2130-03)
Network Design and Optimization for Smart Cities. “Congestion and traffic management at urban networks: State-of-the-art approaches and challenges.” Series on Computers and Operations Research Vol. 8, Eds. K. Gakis and P. Pardalos. World Scientific. ISBN: 978-981-3200-00-5. March 2017.
Asgharzadeh, M.*, A. Kondyli, “Comparison of Highway Capacity Estimation Methods.” In Proceedings of the 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, January 2018.
Hale, D., G. Chrysikopoulos*, A. Kondyli, “Evaluation of Data-Driven Performance Measures for Comparing and Ranking Traffic Bottlenecks.” Extended abstract. In Proceedings of the 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, January 2018.
Manjunatha, P., A. Kondyli, L. Elefteriadou, “How Has Driver Behavior Been Considered in Traffic Microsimulation Models and How Can we Use Cognitive Sciences and Psychology Studies to Enhance Them?”. In Proceedings of the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, January 2017.
Sajjadi, S., A. Kondyli, “Analysis of Managed Lanes on Freeway Facilities in South Florida: Macroscopic and Microscopic Approaches”. In Proceedings of the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, January 2017.
Kondyli, A., P. Gubbala*, L. Elefteriadou, “The Contribution of Ramp Demand in the Capacity of Merge Bottleneck Locations”. In Transportation Research Procedia, International Symposium on Enhancing Highway Performance (ISEHP) 2016, Berlin, June 2016, 10.1016/j.trpro.2016.06.029.
Kondyli, A., A. Barmpoutis, V. Sisiopiku, “Safety-Related Analysis of the 3D Driver Body Posture Using Naturalistic Data”. In Proceedings of the 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, January 2016.
Kondyli, A., A. Barmpoutis, V. Sisiopiku, L. Zhang, Zhao, L., M. Islam, S. Patil, and S. Hosuri, “Analyzing 3D Body Posture Activity during Merging and Lane Changing Maneuvers”. Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Orlando, FL, October 2015.
Kondyli, A., B. St. George, L. Elefteriadou, “An Investigation of the Freeway Capacity Definition and Values at Various Types of Bottlenecks”. In Proceedings of the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 2015.
Hale, D., A. Kondyli, F. T. Creasey, J. Ma, “Suggested RTOR Methodology Improvements for Urban Street Segments in the HCM”. In Proceedings of the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 2015.
Kondyli, A., V. Sisiopiku, A. Barmpoutis, “Comparative Analysis of Driving Maneuvers Using 3D Body Posture Data”. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2014), Kraków, Poland, July, 2014.
Li, Z., L. Elefteriadou, A. Kondyli. “Modeling Weather Impacts on Traffic Operations: Implementation into Florida’s Travel Time Reliability Model”. In Proceedings of the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 2014.
Kondyli, A., V. Sisiopiku, A. Barmpoutis, “A 3D Experimental Framework for Exploring Drivers’ Body Activity Using Infrared Depth Sensors” (Best Paper Award Finalist). In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Connected Vehicles & Expo (ICCVE 2013), Las Vegas, NV, December 2013.
Antoniou C., G. Lykogianni, E. Gyftodimos, A. Kondyli, “A Preliminary Exploration of the Limiting Extended Kalman Gain Matrix Properties”. (Abstract peer-reviewed). In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication, Riga, Latvia, October 1012.
Kondyli, A., I. Spyropoulou, C. Antoniou, and B. Psarianos, “Investigation of Traffic Flow Characteristics on Greek Freeways Under Dense Traffic Conditions”. In Proceedings of the 3rd Pan-Hellenic Conference in Roadway Design, Athens, Greece, February 2012.
Elefteriadou L., W. Brilon, F. Hall, B. Persaud, S. Washburn and A. Kondyli, “Proactive Ramp Metering Based on Breakdown Probabilities”. In Proceedings of the 6th ISHC World Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, July 2011.
Kondyli, A., I. Soria, A. Duret, and L. Elefteriadou, “How Well Does CORSIM Replicate The Process of Freeway Breakdown?” In Proceedings of the 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 2011.
Elefteriadou L., A. Kondyli, W. Brilon, F. Hall, B. Persaud, S. Washburn, “Ramp Metering Enhancements For Postponing Freeway-flow Breakdown”. In Proceedings of the 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 2011.
Kondyli, A., and L. Elefteriadou, “Driver Behavior at Freeway-Ramp Merging Areas”. In Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Transport Research, Volos, Greece, September 2010.
Kondyli, A., and L. Elefteriadou, “Driver Behavior at Freeway-Ramp Merging Areas Based on Instrumented Vehicle Observations”. In Proceedings of the 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2010.
Sun, J., A. Kondyli, and L. Elefteriadou, “Modeling Vehicle Interactions During Lane Changes Under Congested Conditions on Arterial Streets”. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation, Athens, Greece, May 2008.
Kondyli, A., A. Duret, and L. Elefteriadou, “Evaluation of CORSIM and AIMSUN for Freeway Merging Segments Under Breakdown Conditions”. In Proceedings of the 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2007.
Kondyli, A., L. Elefteriadou, and S. Washburn, “Development of an Arterial Travel Time Model with Consideration of Mid-Block Effects”, In Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium in Highway Capacity, Yokohama, Japan, July 2006.
Lin P., L. Elefteriadou, and A. Kondyli, “A Ramp-Metering Algorithm Based On Probabilistic Breakdown”. In Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Freeway and Tollway Operations, Athens, Greece, June 2006.
Elefteriadou L., C. Fang, R. Roess, E. Prassas, and A. Kondyli, “A Methodology for Evaluating the Operational Performance of Interchange Ramp Terminals”, In Proceedings of the 2nd Pan-Hellenic Conference in Roadway Design, Volos, Greece, May 2005.
* Student author