Master of Science in CEAE
Candidates for the Master of Science degrees have 3 options. Option A requires 30 credit hours including a thesis of 6 hours (6 to 10 hours for the environmental degrees) and a final oral examination including defense of the thesis. Option B requires 30 hours including a 3- or 4-hour special problem investigation in the specialization and a final oral examination. It does not require a thesis. Option C requires 30 credit hours of coursework. It does not require a thesis, special problem investigation, or final oral examination.
CEAE Masters Programs

Architecural Engineering
The M.S. degree in architectural engineering is intentionally flexible in its course requirements because graduate study in architectural engineering requires specialization in one of many areas of professional practice. Each student works with his or her committee to select appropriate graduate courses that support the research project and the student's career goals. Students can pursue specializations in, for example, building mechanical, energy, electrical, lighting, or structural systems, or construction engineering. Emerging or hybrid specializations such as sustainability, acoustics, or fire protection are also encouraged.

Civil Engineering
The M.S. degree in civil engineering requires a minimum of 9 hours of graduate-level courses in one of the following seven areas: structural engineering, environmental engineering, water resources engineering, geotechnical engineering, transportation engineering, construction engineering/management, and engineering mechanics.
In addition, a minimum of 6 hours of graduate-level work is required in any of the other above departmental areas.
In addition, a minimum of 6 hours of graduate-level work is required in any of the other above departmental areas.

Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
The M.S. degree in environmental and water resources engineering requires an understanding of chemical, biological, and physical principles of environmental engineering processes, i.e., satisfactory completion of CE 770, CE 772, CE 773, and CE 774 or equivalents. Substitutions require the approval of both the student’s committee and the graduate advisor.

Environmental and Water Resources Science
The M.S. degree in environmental and water resources science requires an understanding of chemical, biological, and physical principles of environmental engineering processes, i.e., satisfactory completion of CE 770, CE 772, CE 773, and CE 774 or equivalents. Substitutions require the approval of both the student’s committee and the graduate advisor.