Elaina Sutley

- Associate Dean for Impact and Belonging
- Associate Professor
- Ph.D.
Contact Info
Eaton, Suite 1B2
Personal Links
Education —
Research —
Community Resiliency
Natural Hazards and Extreme Loading
Performance-Based Seismic Design and Retrofit
Social Vulnerability and Loss Modeling
Fragility Curves and Surfaces
Timber Structures
Hazard mitigation and structural reliability
Optimization techniques and decision-making systems design
Resilient communities
Large scale dynamic testing and monitoring
Advanced materials
Infrastructure rehabilitation using composite materials
Shape memory alloys
Light-frame wood systems
Teaching —
First Year as Faculty at KU: 2015
Selected Publications —
Sutley, E. J., van de Lindt, J. W., & Peek, L. (in press). Multi-Hazard Analysis: Demonstrating How Socioeconomic and Demographic Factors Act as a Hazard for Natural Disasters . Journal of Structural Engineering’s Special Section “Recent Advances in Assessment and Mitigation of Multiple Hazards for Structures and Infrastructures”.
Sutley, E. J., & van de Lindt, J. W. (n.d.). Evolution of Predicted Seismic Risk for WoodFrame Buildings. Journal of Architectural Engineering Special Section on Housing and Residential Building Construction, 22(3). DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)AE.1943-5568.0000212
Boadi-Danquah, E. Robertson, B. Fadden, M. Sutley, E. & Colistra, J. (2017). Lightweight Modular Steel Floor System for Rapidly Constructible and Reconfigurable Buildings. International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, 5(4), 562-573.
Sutley, E. van de Lindt, J. & Peek, L. (2017). Improving Community Seismic Disaster Resilience through Pre-Event Planning with Engineering, Socioeconomic and Demographic Considerations. 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Santiago, Chile.
Sutley, E. J., van de Lindt, J. W., & Peek, L. (2017). Improving Community Seismic Disaster Resilience through Pre-Event Planning with Engineering, Socioeconomic and Demographic Considerations. 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering Santiago, Chile.
Sutley, E. J., van de Lindt, J. W., & Peek, L. (2016). Community-Level Framework for Seismic Resiliency I: Coupling Socioeconomic Characteristics and Engineering Building Systems. Natural Hazards Review. DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000239
Sutley, E. J., van de Lindt, J. W., & Peek, L. (2016). Community-Level Framework for Seismic Resiliency II: Multi-Objective Optimization and Illustrative Examples . Natural Hazards Review. DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000230
Boadi-Danquah, E. Robertson, B. Fadden, M. Sutley, E. & Colistra, J. (2016). Lightweight Modular Steel Floor System for Rapidly Constructible and Reconfigurable Buildings. International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, 5(4), 562-573.
Sutley, E. & Hamideh, S. (2016). A Community Model for Residential Sector Recovery: An Integrated Engineering and Social Science Perspective. In 1st International Workshop on Resilience. Torino, Italy.
Boadi-Danquah, E. Robertson, B. Fadden, M. Sutley, E. & Colistra, J. (2016). Lightweight Modular Steel Floor System for Rapidly Constructible and Reconfigurable Buildings. In 5th International Conference on Mobile, Adaptable and Rapidly Assembled Structures. Siena, Italy.
Sutley, E. J., Fadden, M. & Li, J. (2016). A Visions for Smart Cities Based on Current Research. In Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Smart Cities Workshop Kansas City, Missouri.
Ho, A. Sutley, E. J., Kondyli, A. & Johnson, B. (2016). Building an Adaptive System for Multiple Policy Goals in Cities. In Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Smart Cities Workshop Kansas City, Missouri.
Jennings, E. van de Lindt, J. & Peek, L. (2015). Multi-Objective Community-Level Seismic Retrofit Optimization for Resiliency using Engineering and Socioeconomic Variables. In 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering Vancouver, Canada.
Jennings, E. Ziaei, E. Pang, W. van de Lindt, J. W., Shao, X. & Bahmani, P. (2015). Full-Scale Experimental Investigation of Second-Story Collapse Behavior in an Over-Retrofitted First Story of a Woodframe Building. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities. DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000736
Pang, W. Ziaei, E. Shao, X. Jennings, E. N., van de Lindt, J. Gershfeld, M. & Symans, M. (2014). A Three-Dimensional Model for Slow Hybrid Testing of Retrofitted Soft-Story WoodFrame Buildings. In Tenth U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Frontiers of Earthquake Engineering, July 21-25, 2014, Anchorage, Alaska.
Gershfeld, M. Chadwell, C. van de Lindt, J. Pang, W. Ziaei, E. Amini, M. Gordon, S. & Jennings, E. (2014). Distributed Knee-Braced (DKB) System as a Complete or Supplemental Retrofit of Soft-Story Wood-frame Buildings. In Structures Congress 2014 (pp. 2853-2874).
Jennings, E. N., van de Lindt, J. W., Shao, X. Pang, W. & Ziaei, E. (2014). Full-Scale Hybrid Testing of a Soft-Story Woodframe Building Seismically Retrofitted Using Shape Memory Alloy Devices in Scissor-Jack Braces. In Tenth U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Frontiers of Earthquake Engineering, July 21-25, 2014, Anchorage, Alaska.
van de Lindt, J. W., Bahmani, P. Jennings, E. N., Pang, W. Ziaei, E. Mochizuki, G. Gershfeld, M. Pryor, S. Shao, X. Symans, M. Tian, J. & Rammer, D. (2014). Full-Scale Testing of Soft-Story Woodframe Buildings with Stiffness-Based Retrofits. In Tenth U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Frontiers of Earthquake Engineering, July 21-25, 2014, Anchorage, Alaska.
Jennings, E. & van de Lindt, J. W. (2014). Multi-Objective Optimization Approach for Decision-Making Based on Community Level Resiliency Considering Engineering and Social Variables. In Third International Conference on Urban Disaster Reduction, Boulder, Colorado, 2014.
Pang, W. Ziaei, E. Jennings, E. Shao, X. van de Lindt, J. Gershfeld, M. & Pryor, S. (2014). Numerical Model for Hybrid Simulation of a Three-Story Wood-Frame Building. In World Conference on Timber Engineering, Quebec City, Canada, August 10-14, 2014.
van de Lindt, J. W., Bahmani, P. Pryor, S. Mochizuki, G. Gershfeld, M. Pang, W. Ziaei, E. Jennings, E. Symans, M. Shao, X. Tian, J. & Rammer, D. (2014). Overview of the NEES-Soft Experimental Program for Seismic Risk Reduction of Soft-Story Woodframe Buildings. In Structures Congress 2014 (pp. 2875-2885).
Gershfeld, M. Chadwell, C. Jennings, E. Ziaei, E. Pang, W. Shao, X. & van de Lindt, J. (2014). Seismic Performance of Distributed Knee-Brace (DKB) System as a Retrofit for Weak-Story Wood-Frame Buildings. In World Conference on Timber Engineering, Quebec City, Canada, August 10-14, 2014.
van de Lindt, J. Bahmani, P. Gershfeld, M. Mochizuki, G. Shao, X. Pryor, S. E., Pang, W. Symans, M. D., Tian, J. Ziaei, E. Jennings, E. N., & Rammer, D. (2014). Test Results and Retrofit Recommendations from The NEES-Soft Project. In World Conference on Timber Engineering, Quebec City, Canada, August 10-14, 2014 (pp. 1205-1216).
Jennings, E. van de Lindt, J. W., Ziaei, E. Mochizuki, G. Pang, W. & Shao, X. (2014). Retrofit of a Soft-Story Woodframe Building using SMA Devices with Full-Scale Hybrid Test Verification. Engineering Structures, 80, 469-485. DOI:10.1016/j.engstruct.2014.09.021
Jennings, E. van de Lindt, J. W., Ziaei, E. Bahmani, P. Park, S. Shao, X. Pang, W. Rammer, D. Mochizuki, G. & Gershfeld, M. (2014). Full-Scale Experimental Verification of Soft-Story-Only Retrofits of Woodframe Buildings with Hybrid Testing. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 19(3), 410-430. DOI:10.1080/13632469.2014.975896
van de Lindt, J. W., Bahmani, P. Gershfeld, M. Mochizuki, G. Shao, X. Pang, W. Symans, M. Ziaei, E. Jennings, E. Pryor, S. Rammer, D. & Tian, J. (2013). Full-Scale Dynamic Testing of Soft-Story Retrofitted and Un-Retrofitted Woodframe Buildings. In Structural Engineers Association of Southern California, San Diego, CA.
Jennings, E. & van de Lindt, J. (2013). Low Cost Shape Memory Alloy Devices for Seismic Response Modification of Light-Frame Wood Buildings. In Structures Congress 2013 (pp. 1205-1216). DOI:10.1061/9780784412848.107
Jennings, E. Wang, J. Fridley, K. & Chen, C. (2013). Temperature Effect on Subcritical Crack Growth in CFRP Externally Bonded Concrete Systems. In ASC 28th annual technical conference, Sept 9th – 11th, 2013, State College, PA. 15.
Pang, W. Shao, X. van de Lindt, J. Ziaei, E. & Jennings, E. (2013). Hybrid Testing of a Soft-Story Light-frame Wood Building with Seismic Retrofits. Wood Design Focus: A Journal of Contemporary Wood Engineering, 23(4).
Jennings, E. & van de Lindt, J. W. (2013). Numerical Retrofit Study of Light-Frame Wood Buildings Using Shape Memory Alloy Devices as Seismic Response Modification Devices. Journal of Structural Engineering. DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0000953, 04014041
Jennings, E. & van de Lindt, J. W. (2012). Shape Memory Alloy Dampers for Response Modification of Light-Frame Wood Buildings. In 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisboa, 2012.
Awards & Honors —
2016 ASCE ExCEEd Fellow
CERRA Student Recognition Award
Civil Engineering Risk and Reliability Association
Bibb Graves award for Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant
Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering University of Alabama
Civil Engineering Graduate Student Engineer of the Year
Engineering Council of Birmingham
Graduate Fellow
University of Alabama National Alumni Association
Graduate Research Diversity Supplement Doctoral Fellow
National Science Foundation