Illuminating Engineering Society (IES)

KU-IES is the only student organization at KU dedicated to promoting the awareness and knowledge of illumination engineering, and lighting design.


The KU Chapter of the Illuminating Engineering Society is open to all students and faculty members interested in promoting the art and science of illumination engineering and lighting design. The KU group participates in activities such as monthly chapter meetings, regional and national meetings, and tours of local projects with their designers.
IES Factory Tour

IES Info

New members are welcome to join us anytime. If you're interested, please fill out this IES Interest Form, or send the Chapter President, Ryan Vanoni (, an email with your name. year and KU email.

The KU IES student chapter meets every other month or as necessary.

Chapter Officers 2024-2025:

Chapter Advisors:

The 1995 fall semester agenda included an opening picnic with over forty people in attendance, a tour of a Lawrence neon sign manufacturing company, a presentation and tour of the Johnson County Public Library with Bruce Yarnell and Mark Hershmann of Yarnell & Associates, and a meeting where we watched a video of the 1995 Progress Report as presented at the Annual Conference in New York City. Our members have also been traveling outside the Kansas City area to attend the Regional IES Conferences, Lightfair, and the IES Annual Conference. We've even surprised the Wall Street IESNA Headquarters by stopping in for a quick tour of the main offices.

Our biggest annual activity is preparing for each spring's Engineering Expo which is the School of Engineering's showcase of interactive displays demonstrating engineering principles for high school students, the University, and the local community.

IES Mission

IES seeks to improve the lighted environment by bringing together those with lighting knowledge and by translating that knowledge into actions that benefit the public.

Lighting Model