Sponsor Opportunities & Registration

Increase Your Exposure to Key Customers

By sponsoring the Environmental Engineering Conference, you demonstrate your support for the industry while receiving benefits and enhancing your reputation among the participants.

Sponsoring puts your company's logo in the view of hundreds of professionals authorized to purchase those goods and services. The Environmental Engineering Conference draws participants from varied professional backgrounds.

Sponsor Benefits

  • Web: Company logo and contact information on the conference website with a link to your company website.
  • Print: Company logo and contact information included in the conference program and on signage.
  • Education: Take advantage of the excellent lineup of speakers as they address relevant industry topics.
  • Networking: Promote your brand via interaction with attendees throughout the day.
  • Multi-media exposure on KU CEAE social media and conference website, where your company logo will appear with a link to your company’s website.
  • Support the education of future engineers​

Sponsor Details

Sponsors can fall into three categories: platinum, gold and silver.

KU CEAE Environmental Engineering Conference Sponsorship Packages
Sponsorship PackagesFee
PLATINUM Sponsorship (includes two attendees' registration)$1,500
GOLD Sponsorship (includes one attendee's registration)$750
SILVER Sponsorship (insert in conference program or booklet on table)$300

PLATINUM Sponsorship

  • Registration fees covered for two (2) attendees,
  • Verbal acknowledgement during conference opening,
  • Organization name and logo prominently displayed on conference website,
  • Organization name and logo in printed conference program,
  • Oganization logo displayed on stage screen during lunch and breaks.

GOLD Sponsorship

  • Registration fee covered for one (1) attendee,
  • Organization name and logo prominently displayed on conference website,
  • Organization name and logo in printed program.

SILVER Sponsorship

  • Printed, single-page, double-sided organization insert in conference program OR double-sided booklet, up to eight-pages total, placed near registration desk.
    • Printed materials must be delivered to the conference organizers at least three (3) weeks before the conference. We do not provide printing services. Mail to:

Attn: Emma Herrman
2150 Learned Hall
1530 West 15th St.
Lawrence, KS 66045-7526

Payment Terms & Conditions

Payment in full is required to receive these benefits. KU CEAE reserves the right to cancel the conference and return all fees in the event of insufficient registration or unforeseeable circumstances. The liability of the University of Kansas is limited to the registration fee. The University of Kansas will not be responsible for any losses incurred by registrants, including but not limited to airline cancellation charges or hotel deposits.

Refund & Cancellation Policy

As a Platinum or Gold Sponsor, if you are unable to attend the conference, you may send a substitute member of your organization at no additional charge.

A full refund of sponsor registration fee minus a $50 administrative fee, will be provided if cancellation is made at least three weeks prior to the conference date or by March 26, 2025. No refund will be provided after this date. A $35 feel will be charged for a returned check. Cancellation fee must be emailed to envconf@ku.edu.

The liability of the University of Kansas is limited to the registration fee. The University of Kansas will not be responsible for any losses incurred by registrants, including but not limited to airline cancellation charges or hotel deposits.

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