Corrosion Laboratory
The Corrosion Testing Laboratory is in 1151 Learned and is equipped with an electrochemical impedance system, potentiostats, voltmeters, reference electrodes (Calomel and copper-copper sulfate), ion-specific electrodes, and heating tents for Southern Exposure and cracked beam tests. Southern Exposure and cracked beam specimens. Specimens are used for evaluating reinforcement and admixtures for corrosion resistance under alternating cycles of salt exposure and elevated temperature. A pore press provides the capability of extracting pore solution from hydrated cement paste, mortar, and concrete. The lab is also equipped with a salt-spray cabinet, a Taber abraser, and an ASTM G14 impact tester. The lab has the capability to evaluate epoxy coatings on reinforcing steel in accordance with ASTM A775 and A934 and to evaluate the corrosion resistance of stainless steel reinforcement in accordance with ASTM A955.